workbook/ International Ideas Competition
The universal
intention of the Centre is that of posing as a fitting monument to
Frederico Garcia Lorca by creating that spatial, material, and
environmental condition which triggers in a user that transcendental
moment of engagement, that moment of perceptual insight,
Architecture, within which the user sees beyond the functional program
and begins to comprehend poetically.
The ancients have
created several powerful allegories representing the poetic
life-struggle. Most fitting to Garcia Lorca are those
of Theseus and the Dance with the Minotaur, and, that of the story of
Isis’s lament over the death of Osiris. They form much of the
somber thematic nuances of Garcia Lorca’s literary works.
The former allegory
of course is truly a manifestation of his very life actions during the
periods of oppression and suppression endured by Spain. The
contemporary manifestation of that allegory is the Corrida de
Toros. Still today, it is a ritual most representative of the
Spanish elegance of character in its method of addressing all that is
good and all that is evil with purpose and love, action and passion,
beauty and brutality, and, finality.
The other allegory
is relevant if glimpsing into the soft soul of the poet and in his case
his panorama of love’s manifestations and one’s success or failure of
attaining them (thus his rhapsodies of bliss, his laments over violent
death and his shadowy hopes for an afterlife that all borrow images and
themes from that ancient archetypal vein).
We have chosen forms
and created a composition that unfolds qualities of space, movements,
atmospheres and material profiles that continually allude to the
interplay of these two great allegories. The Corrida de Toros and
Isis’s lament for, and the raising of Osiris are themes that oscillate
within the Center. They appear to the Alhambra and the Cathedral
in that privileged space above the rooftops, to the delight of the
Sierra Nevada.
The symbolic formal gestures of the
exterior building and the new elements proposed for Plaza Romanilla,
also, are there continually, perhaps mostly subconsciously,
massaging the general public with the Poetic message.
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Architect's Workshop: Ovidio
Sbrissa, Dinko Sakanovic, Jordan Ellis, Frank C. Carter